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NetEase will announce more information about the release window and characters in the near future. Like in previous events, players can get skins to make existing characters look like crossovers.īungo Stray Dogs is a manga and anime series that follows Atsushi Nakajima after Osamu Dazai of the Armed Detective Agency rescues him. Atsushi and the other key residents of Yokohama have special powers. For example, Atsushi can transform into a tiger. Those familiar with classical Japanese literature may recognize the name. While Bungo Stray Dogs is an action and fantasy series, all the characters are inspired by real classic authors and poets. Identity DRAW There have been many crossover events with brands and other intellectual property in the past. FAIRY TAIL ANIME GAY PORN COMICS SERIESĬrossover events typically include exclusive and limited skins, accessories, and pets.

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