Dads and sons first time gay videos

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Mr Williams came out for the first time in December, 2019, to a psychologist he had been talking to for over a year and said the confession was a massive relief. 'I had to decide between coming out, losing my family and my amazing wife or ending it all to get away from the pain I knew I was going to cause everyone,' he said. Mr Williams said the realisation left him with an almost impossible decision to make as his mental health continued to deteriorate. I realised I needed to support them and be honest.' 'My oldest daughter came out at 16, and two of my other children have come out as queer since. 'I was struggling with depression and anxiety, I wasn't being honest with myself,' he said. I hurt myself and a lot of people along the way.'įor almost 25 years, Mr Williams struggled in silence but realised he was reaching breaking point and needed to face the truth. Shaun Williams (above) came out to his wife and children after almost 25 years of marriage despite 'always knowing' he was gay

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