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In DC…The city’s Capital Pride Parade returns on June 11 at 3pm ET. And will weave through the city’s northside. The 51st annual Pride Parade will then kick off at 1pm ET on June 26 - starting at Montrose Avenue and Broadway in Uptown.

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And feature performances from Cupcakke, Dorian Electra, The Aces, and more. In Chicago…The annual Pride Fest will happen the weekend of June 18. Like block parties, a trans resistance festival, and more. But there’ll be plenty of activities going on throughout June. The org that typically hosts the parade dissolved in 2021, after complaints about inclusion. In Boston…The city isn’t hosting a large pride parade this year. But if you’re looking for the city’s main Pride parade and festival, that’ll go down in August. In Austin…This month, there’s a local music festival and celebration for LGBTQ+ people of color and allies. And if you can’t make it in time for the June festivities, the Peach State is keeping the party going in October - with their main Pride festival.

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In Atlanta…There’s Pride night at an Atlanta Braves game on June 22 and a party at Georgia State University’s multicultural center.

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Festivals and parades are popping off across the US.

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